59.395 LIVES
Since September 2015 until August 2018, we have managed to save each and every one of these people, giving them a chance to reach dry land after embarking on one of the most dangerous voyages of their lives at sea.

Since September 2015 until August 2018, we have managed to save each and every one of these people, giving them a chance to reach dry land after embarking on one of the most dangerous voyages of their lives at sea.
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Rescued migrants head for Spain after Italy closes ports/Letter of solidarity to NGO Open Arms
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Stranded Syrian refugees carry their children through a show storm at a refugee camp north of Athens, Greece January 10, 2017.
© 2017 Reuters
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Refugee Child, 2000 years ago/Refugee children in 2017/Not wanted
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Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Agreement with Greece/Reaction on article Jeffrey Frankel
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Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Europe’s vindictive privatization plan for Greece/Reaction on former Greek minister of Finance, mr Varoufakis
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Reacties uitgeschakeld voor THISISACOUP/Statement of solidarity with the Greek people
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Reacties uitgeschakeld voor EU agreement with Greece/Reaction on Professor Marketos
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Reacties uitgeschakeld voor EU agreement with Greece/Crime against the Greek people/Reaction on Leonidas Vatikiotis
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Reacties uitgeschakeld voor EU deal with Greece/Capitulation Tsipras/Betrayal of OXI ideal
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European Union flags fly in front of the European Commission headquarters in Brussels. © Reuters 2012
(Brussels) – European Union (EU) leaders in 2013 acknowledged problems of rising intolerance and persistent human rights violations across the EU, but failed to take concerted action, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2014. Human Rights Watch documented EU-level developments in migration and asylum, discrimination and intolerance, and counterterrorism, highlighting events in 11 member states, including a new member, Croatia.
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor [Human Rights Watch]/EU: Much Talk on Rights, Few Results
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July 9, 2013
Eva Cossé
“Police officers came to the door and said ‘All blacks out, all blacks out,’” Tupac told me as he recalled how police officers forced him and other black and Asian passengers out of a bus in central Athens for an identity check in early February. After pulling him off the bus, the police held Tupac, a Guinean registered asylum seeker, for approximately 10 hours to check his legal status in Greece.
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor [Human Rights Watch]/Xenios Zeus and the True Meaning of Greek Hospitality
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